<style type="text/css">
body { /* webkit adjacent sibling bug fix */
-webkit-animation: bugfix infinite 1s;
@-webkit-keyframes bugfix {
from {padding:0;}
to {padding:0;}
div.css3droppanel { /* Main wrapper for push down panel */
position: relative;
margin: 0;
margin-bottom: 1em; /* margin with rest of content on page */
div.css3droppanel > div { /* Content DIV DIV inside wrapper */
height: 10px; /* initial height of content when hidden. Should be same height as bottom bar (see div.css3droppanel:after) */
padding: 5px;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box; /* ensure any padding and border declared inside content DIV doesn't increase DIV's declared dimensions */
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
overflow: hidden;
background: #C5D55B; /* background of content DIV */
position: relative;
opacity: 0;
-moz-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out 0.1s; /* CSS3 transition of UL state. Last 0.1s specifies delay before animation */
-o-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out 0.1s; /* instead of ease-in-out, also try cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.4) instead */
-webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out 0.1s;
transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out 0.1s;
div.css3droppanel:after { /* Add bottom bar beneath wrapper */
content: '';
display: block;
bottom: 0;
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 10px;
box-shadow: 0 3px 8px gray, 3px 3px 4px brown inset;
background: #718351; /* dark redish background and its gradient versions */
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(118,36,41,1) 0%, rgba(117,5,11,1) 50%, rgba(56,38,39,0.72) 100%);
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,rgba(118,36,41,1)), color-stop(50%,rgba(117,5,11,1)), color-stop(100%,rgba(56,38,39,0.72)));
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(118,36,41,1) 0%,rgba(117,5,11,1) 50%,rgba(56,38,39,0.72) 100%);
background: -o-linear-gradient(top, rgba(118,36,41,1) 0%,rgba(117,5,11,1) 50%,rgba(56,38,39,0.72) 100%);
background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, rgba(118,36,41,1) 0%,rgba(117,5,11,1) 50%,rgba(56,38,39,0.72) 100%);
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(118,36,41,1) 0%,rgba(117,5,11,1) 50%,rgba(56,38,39,0.72) 100%);
div.css3droppanel input[type="checkbox"] { /* style invisible checkbox element used to toggle state of push down panel */
position: absolute;
right: 50px; /* right position of checkbox */
width: 60px; /* width of checkbox */
height: 42px; /* height of checkbox */
bottom: -34px; /* bottom offset of checkbox */
z-index: 10;
cursor: pointer;
opacity: 0;
div.css3droppanel input[type="checkbox"]:checked ~ div { /* when checkbox is checked, expand content within wrapper */
height: 250px; /* height of content to expand to. Scrollbar will be shown if content overflows this height */
opacity: 1;
overflow: auto;
div.css3droppanel label { /* style label that's positioned below wrapper's bottom bar, and will toggle checkbox when interacted with */
position: absolute;
right: 50px; /* right position of label */
width: 60px; /* width of label */
height: 42px; /* height of label */
bottom: -34px; /* bottom offset of label */
border-bottom-left-radius: 30px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 30px;
cursor: pointer;
z-index: 5;
background: #718351; /* dark redish background and its gradient versions */
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(118,36,41,1) 0%, rgba(117,5,11,1) 50%, rgba(124,31,32,0.72) 100%);
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,rgba(118,36,41,1)), color-stop(50%,rgba(117,5,11,1)), color-stop(100%,rgba(124,31,32,0.72)));
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(118,36,41,1) 0%,rgba(117,5,11,1) 50%,rgba(124,31,32,0.72) 100%);
background: -o-linear-gradient(top, rgba(118,36,41,1) 0%,rgba(117,5,11,1) 50%,rgba(124,31,32,0.72) 100%);
background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, rgba(118,36,41,1) 0%,rgba(117,5,11,1) 50%,rgba(124,31,32,0.72) 100%);
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(118,36,41,1) 0%,rgba(117,5,11,1) 50%,rgba(124,31,32,0.72) 100%);
box-shadow: 0 3px 8px black, 5px 5px 6px brown inset, 0 -3px 3px rgba(152,41,47,0.7) inset, 0 5px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.7) inset;
div.css3droppanel label:hover { /* style of label when mouse rolls over it */
box-shadow: 0 3px 8px black, 5px 5px 6px brown inset, 0 -3px 3px rgba(152,41,47,0.7) inset, 0 5px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.7) inset, 0 0 15px rgba(255,255,255,0.8) inset;
div.css3droppanel label:after { /* generated down arrow */
content: '';
position: absolute;
display: block;
width: 0;
height: 0;
border: 12px solid transparent;
border-color: white transparent transparent transparent;
top: 18px;
left: 18px;
box-shadow: 0 0 7px gray inset;
<!--[if lte IE 8]>
/* Hide panel from IE8 and below */
div.css3droppanel {
display: none;
<div class="css3droppanel">
<input type="checkbox" id="paneltoggle" />
<label for="paneltoggle" title="Click to open Panel"></label>
<div class="content">
<!--panel content goes here-->
<p>Portlpts s portldszts kezdknek s haladknak! Rengetek lers, JavaScriptek , CSS ,HTML kdok,Naptr,Design!</p>
<a href="https://www.jegvirag.gportal.hu">Virg Design</a>.
<!-- end panel content -->